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Text File
1,404 lines
Bookkeeping Made Painless
Version 2.7
Copyright (c) 1990 - 1991
Emerald Coast Software
2707 East 6th Place
Panama City, Fl. 32401
Phone (904) 785-8946
* * * * *
"Let your Bookke be your bookkeeper"
* * * * *
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 1
Index \ /
----- Page Screen Line
Introduction................................. 3 6 115
Why Single Entry Bookkeeping................. 3 7 125
Shareware.................................... 4 8 161
License...................................... 5 10 209
Bulletin Board license....................... 6 12 262
SETUP MENU................................... 11 24 550
Account numbers & names, creating list....... 12 27 609
Account numbers & names, sorting list........ 21 48 1106
Account year, start a new.................... 11 25 556
Bookkeeping Made Painless, starting.......... 9 19 418
Bookkeeping Made Painless, using............. 9 20 439
Company information, changing................ 12 26 595
Computer requirements........................ 6 14 288
CONFIG.SYS, modifying........................ 8 17 367
Copyright acknowledgements................... 4 10 193
Creditor/Client, creating list of............ 13 30 690
Creditors, sorting list...................... 21 49 1132
Customer, creating list of................... 13 29 668
Customer/Client, sorting list................ 21 48 1121
Expense details - all accounts - printer..... 24 56 1302
Expense details - all accounts - screen...... 22 51 1181
Expense details - select account - printer... 25 57 1339
Expense details - select account - screen.... 23 52 1202
Expense entry, editing an.................... 19 44 1020
Expense files, sorting....................... 20 47 1088
Expense record, saving to disk............... 16 36 833
Expense summary - select month - printer..... 24 55 1291
Expense summary - select month - screen...... 22 50 1174
Expense summary - year-to-date - printer..... 24 55 1280
Expense summary - year-to-date - screen...... 22 49 1151
Expense transaction, entering................ 14 31 715
Files and Buffers............................ 20 17 384
Floppy disk systems.......................... 10 22 495
Hard drive installation...................... 7 15 327
Hard drive, running Bookke from.............. 7 14 312
Internal Revenue Service..................... 4 9 183
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 2
Index \ /
----- Page Screen Line
Main Menu at beginning....................... 4 24 535
Main Menu, activity from..................... 11 31 712
Main Menu, returning to...................... 13 31 701
Maintnance Menu.............................. 19 43 1001
Mouse........................................ 8 18 400
Networks..................................... 8 18 406
Opening screen............................... 9 20 442
Print Reports Menu........................... 24 55 1273
Printer Setting.............................. 24 55 1276
Profit/Loss - printer........................ 26 58 1373
Profit/Loss - screen......................... 25 58 1353
Profit/Loss Menu............................. 25 58 1350
Receipt details - printer.................... 25 57 1339
Receipt details - screen..................... 23 53 1234
Receipt entry, editing a..................... 20 45 1054
Receipt files, sorting....................... 21 47 1097
Receipt summary - year-to-date - printer..... 25 57 1328
Receipt summary - year-to-date - screen...... 23 52 1224
Receipts record, saving to disk.............. 19 43 990
Receipts transaction, entering............... 17 37 863
Registration, User........................... 26 58 1383
Screen Reports Menu.......................... 22 49 1148
SETUP MENU................................... 11 24 550
Special note................................. 10 25 568
Thanks....................................... 26 58 1382
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 3
Bookkeeping Made Painless is a complete, full featured, fully
functional, not crippled in any way, professional quality,
single entry bookkeeping system copyrighted by Emerald Coast
Software of Panama City, Florida.
Why single entry bookkeeping?
Single entry bookkeeping method is the oldest, most used,
more simplified and most proven method of keeping a record
of all receipt and expense transactions involved with running
a business or profession.
Most people have been told that you must use a double entry
bookkeeping program in your business. This is simply not
The single entry bookkeeping method is an Internal Revenue
Service APPROVED METHOD of keeping a record of all receipt
and expense transactions involved with running a business
or profession.
Single entry bookkeeping requires a lot less time with
your books than other methods, especially if you are
using Bookkeeping Made Painless.
Bookkeeping Made Painless ( written in Basic ) has been used
in the past in a successful electrical contracting business
with annual gross receipts of near one million dollars.
Bookkeeping Made Painless is now written in Turbo Pascal
and distributed for other's use and benefit. It has many
more advanced features and enhancements than the Basic
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 4
A word about Shareware:
If you are new to computers you may not have heard the term
SHAREWARE. Basically this means an author has prepared a
software program which you are free to copy and encouraged to
share with others, but the author requests a REGISTRATION FEE.
If you received this disk from a shareware distributor who
charged $7 or $8 then you have not paid the required license
or registration fee for use of the program.
You have only paid a DISTRIBUTION/HANDLING FEE to the distributor
to copy and handle a disk. NO PORTION of this fee goes to the
author of the software for his programming time and effort.
You are requested to pay the REGISTRATION FEE directly to the
author of this software. This fee is also a matter of good
conscience. The idea is that if the program is useful, you
become a licensed user of the program.
Internal Revenue Service
I highly recommend that if you don't have the latest copy
of "Tax Guide for Small Business" and "Business Expenses"
( published by the Department of the Treasury, Internal
Revenue Service ) that you obtain one by visiting your
local office of IRS or by writing them.
Copyright Acknowledgements
TURBO PASCAL is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
Machine Corporation.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 5
Bookkeeping Made Painless is a copyrighted professional
quality software program of Emerald Coast Software (ECS)
of Panama City, Florida.
Bookkeeping Made Painless is being distributed under the
"shareware" distribution method.
Please note that many, many hours of effort and time has been
invested in the development of this program. You are granted
a temporary license to try Bookkeeping Made Painless for a
reasonable trial period (not to exceed sixty days) without risk.
If you continue using Bookkeeping Made Painless beyond the reasonable
trial period ( and we hope you do ) you must remit a registration fee
of Seventeen dollars ( $17.00 plus $2.00 for shipping & handling for
a disk with the latest version ) directly to Emerald Coast Software.
1. No individual, organization or other entity may reproduce,
print, duplicate, or copy the program, manual or any
ancillary file herein for any commercial purpose, personal
gain or commercial gain whatsoever without the expressed
written permission of Emerald Coast Software.
2. The user is granted the right, and encouraged to print a
hard copy version of this manual for his own use.
3. The user is also granted the right to give, copy, upload
and otherwise distribute WITHOUT CHARGE the complete and
full and true copy of the un-licensed version of
Bookkeeping Made Painless.
4. Emerald Coast Software makes no warranty, either expressed
or implied, with respect to the software described herein,
its quality, performance, marketability, or fitness for any
particular purpose.
5. The user acknowledges that ECS is not liable for any damages,
either consequential or direct, arising out of the use of this
software. The user assumes complete responsibility for any
decisions made or actions taken based on information obtained
or distributed through use of this software product and any
accompanying instructional or reference materials provided by
Emerald Coast Software.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 6
Bulletin Board License
1. Operators of electronic bulletin boards (Sysops) are
hereby licensed and encouraged to post Bookkeeping Made
Painless for downloading by their users.
2. Bookkeeping Made Painless may be uploaded to and
downloaded from commercial systems such as CompuServe,
the Source, and BIX, so long as the only charge paid
by the subscriber is for on-line time and there is no
charge for the program. Those copying, sharing, and/or
electronically transmitting the program are required
not to delete or modify the copyright notice and
restrictive notices from the program or documentation.
3. The Bookkeeping Made Painless software program and/or
documentation may not be modified and the program may
not be separated from the documentation when distributed.
4. No entity or person other then Emerald Coast Software
may accept payment or royalties for this program without
an expressed written agreement with Emerald Coast
Computer Requirements
Your computer should have at least the following capabilities.
- An IBM/PC or compatible computer.
- DOS 3.0 or higher operating system.
- 512 Kb of main memory.
- A minimum of two floppy drives are required but,
a hard drive is recommended although it is not
a requirement.
- Display card/monitor with graphics capability
(Hercules monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc.)
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 7
Running from Hard Disk
Bookkeeping Made Painless can be installed in virtually any
directory on any hard disk drive of your system.
- When you see <space> press the space bar on the keyboard.
- When you see <enter> press the key marked ENTER on your
Hard Disk Installation
A summary of the installation steps are listed below.
Installing Bookkeeping Made Painless is quite simple.
1. Use the "GO.BAT" or "INSTALL.EXE" to install Bookkeeping
Made Painless on your hard disk. You may use any directory
name you wish although the examples assume BOOKKE is used.
2. If a directory does not exist, INSTALL will create it
for you and install BOOKKE.EXE and supporting sample files
in the desired directory.
3. Modify CONFIG.SYS if necessary, making sure you have a
mininum of FILES=20 and BUFFERS=20.
4. Once the above FILES & BUFFERS statements have been
included in your CONFIG.SYS file, change to the directory
where you have installed BOOKKE.EXE and type
BOOKKE and press <enter>
to start Bookkeeping Made Painless.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 8
Modifying CONFIG.SYS
You should have a CONFIG.SYS file in your root directory.
CONFIG.SYS is a file which is read by the computer during
the power up boot and CTRL-ALT-DEL three-key boot sequence.
CONFIG.SYS, which must be on the boot disk, contains
configuration information for DOS as well as specifications
for the loadable device drivers.
While your CONFIG.SYS may contain more statements, the
statements used by Bookkeeping Made Painless are:
FILES = <number of simultaneous files permitted>
BUFFERS = <number of disk buffers available>
You must have the following minimum values for the FILES and
BUFFERS statements in CONFIG.SYS. More that the minimum is
perfectly OK.
FILES = 20
Note: If there are multiple FILES and or BUFFERS lines in
your CONFIG.SYS (usually put there by different application
installation programs) keep only the largest and delete all
other lines.
Although Bookkeeping Made Painless does not at this time
support a mouse directly, it will work if you have a
Microsoft compatible mouse hooked up to your computer.
Bookkeeping Made Painless is not generally network aware but
can be used from a server.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 9
Starting Bookkeeping Made Painless
Since Bookkeeping Made Painless is distributed as a
self-desolving archive and you are reading this, it
is assummed that Bookkeeping Made Painless is ready
to go to work for you.
Start Bookkeeping Made Painless by typing BOOKKE
at the DOS prompt, then press <enter>.
Note: As long as BOOKKE.EXE is in the PATH command,
Bookkeeping Made Painless can be used from any drive or
sub-directory. Please refer to your DOS manual for more
information about the use of PATH.
Using Bookkeeping Made Painless
Opening Screen
Upon typing BOOKKE and pressing enter, you will first
see the opening screen welcoming you to Bookkeeping Made
Painless. You will also see "Un-Licensed Copy - for
evaluation use only".
This notice is not in the registered/licensed version which
you will receive when you send your registration fee to
Emerald Coast Software.
Press the <enter> key and you will be taken to a screen
where you must enter your company information and, MOST
IMPORTANTLY, the drive path and directory where your data
files will be created and stored.
Most of the entries are straight-forward and simple. Pay
particular attention to the "drive for data" input.
You MUST enter the destination drive ( and sub-directory
if used ) as in the following example:
where C:\ is the destination drive for your data
BOOKKE\DATA\ is the destination sub-directory for your data
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 10
You MUST have the backslash ( \ ) as the last of your
entry for your destination drive and/or sub-directory
UNLESS your data files are in the same directory as
You must enter your data drive information even if it
is the same directory from which you are running BOOKKE.
Once you have entered your company information ( this
information will be printed on your reports ) press <enter>.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created for you.
"Floppy Disk" Systems.
If you are using a floppy disk system ( yes, it works great
on floppies also ) then you should enter similar to:
B:\ or B:\DATA\
where B:\ is your floppy disk in drive B
where B:\DATA\ is your sub-directory on your floppy disk
in drive B
Once you have entered your company information ( this
information will be printed on your reports ) press <enter>.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created for you.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 11
Main Menu
All activity with Bookkeeping Made Painless takes place
from this Main Menu.
You will enter all of your expense and receipt transactions
and access the other great features of Bookkeeping Made
Painless which lie beyond in the lesser menus.
But, you must first go to the Setup Menu.....
Use the arrow keys to highlight the Setup Menu and press
Setup Menu
Bookkeeping Made Painless is ready and eager to work for
you but, first things first.
Start a new account year
You must first highlight the "Start a new account year"
and press <enter>.
When you press enter your screen will clear and you will
see a warning that all of your existing bookkeeping files
from previous accounting period will be destroyed and asks
you to confirm that you wish to continue.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you have previously used Bookkeeping Made Painless and
have not made a backup of your last accounting period, PLEASE
answer "N" without the " and you will be returned to the menu.
Move to the Edit/Delete/Backup Menu and MAKE A BACKUP of your
previous accounting period.
PLEASE REST ASSURED that Bookkeeping Made Painless WILL NOT
destroy any of your other programs or files and this warning
is simply to remind you to back up your last years bookkeeping
files if you have not yet done so.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Once your information has been entered, Bookkeeping Made
Painless will make a number of data files. These are the
files on disk in which the information which you have entered
will be stored. This is the information that will be needed
for all of your reports ( and if necessary, the IRS ).
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 12
Change Name/Data drive
This is the same company information that you entered when
you first started Bookkeeping Made Painless. It is here just
in case that you need it for a change of address, other
company information or change data drive, etc.
* * * *
NOTE: You MUST be in the same directory in which Bookke.EXE resides
to change ANY information from this selection.
* * * *
Enter Account numbers and names
Before you can make full use of Bookkeeping Made Painless
you must enter a list of account numbers and names. You
may use the sample file "ACCOUNTS.DAT" which contain entries
which are fairly general in nature but they may be adequate
for some users.
If you choose to use or build on the sample file, you must
copy "ACCOUNTS.DAT" to the drive and/or sub-directory where
you will be storing your data files.
You may then add to the account numbers and names by
highlighting "Enter account numbers and names" and pressing
You MUST enter your account numbers and names in the same
format as in the sample file.
That is: a two digit number, followed by a <space>,
followed by the account name.
Example : 03 Advertising
85 Personal
01 Merchandise
If you wish to edit the existing "ACCOUNTS.DAT" file, or
start a new "ACCOUNTS.DAT" file you can do so by using any
word processing program which saves it's file in pure ASCII.
If you don't have a word processor that saves in pure ASCII,
you may use EDLIN from your DOS package.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 13
If you choose to use the sample "ACCOUNTS.DAT" file, then you
must copy it to your data disk AFTER you have "started a new
account year" from the Setup Menu.
If you wish to start another accounts number and names file
it is ok to do so but the file MUST be named "ACCOUNTS.DAT".
Account numbers of 01 thru 84 are to be used for deductible
Account numbers of 85 thru 99 are to be used for non-
deductible expenses ( such as personal withdrawals ).
Enter frequent customer
This unique user friendly feature will become more clear
and apparent as you use Bookkeeping Made Painless. It is a
feature that allows you to enter a frequent "Receipts"
customer's name only one time during the accounting period.
Enter a list of customer's who do business with you on a
regular basis. You may do this in one "sitting", the names
can selectivly be added to your list automatically as you
work with Bookkeeping Made Painless or you may add to the
list at your convience.
After it is entered once, then it is available to you at
any time in the future at the touch of a key. You never
have to type this customer's name again.
This file may also be created or edited with a word
processing program that saves it's files in pure ASCII.
Enter frequent creditor ( payee )
This feature is similar to the above "Enter a frequent
customer" only you enter a business's name with whom you
do business on a regular basis.
This list may also be entered at one "sitting" or names
may be added as you use Bookkeeping Made Painless.
Return to Main Menu
Highlight this and press <enter> and you will be returned
to the Main Menu where you may continue with your bookkeeping.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 14
Main Menu
Enter an expense transaction
Highlight this selection by using your arrow keys and then
press <enter> and the screen will clear and you will be in
the section where you will enter all of your EXPENSE
Follow the on screen instructions and you will find out one
of the reasons the program is called Bookkeeping Made Painless.
Enter creditor name
The first item called for is the name of the creditor ( payee )
with whom you made the expense purchase. You must now type
in that business's name.
If you entered the name in your "Add frequent creditor" list
previously you may press <F1> and use the arrow keys to
highlight the name, then press <enter> and the name will be
"typed" for you in the correct location and your cursor will
be placed at the beginning of the "enter account number".
Enter account number
You must enter the two digit expense account number which
corresponds with the expense account name.
If you don't remember the account number you may press <F2>
and use the arrow keys to highlight your selection then press
<enter> and your account number and account name will be "typed"
for you. You will then be placed at "enter date of expense".
When the accounts list is called up from inside the Expense
Entry Screen with the <F2> key, you may quickly locate the
desired account number to match your account name by using
the arrow, page up, page down, home and end keys, or by
pressing the key which corresponds to the first letter of
the account name.
Bookkeeping made Painless Page 15
Enter date of expense
Type the date of the expense using the format of: MM/DD/YY.
Where MM indicates the 2 digit month, DD indicates the 2 digit
day of the month and YY indicates the year of the expense.
Example : 01/01/91 or 10/12/92
meaning : January 1, 1991 or October 12, 1992
Expense entries do not have to be entered in chronological
order. They may be entered in any order and then sorted to
chronological order.
In other words, you may make an entry for February then May
then January then December then January, etc. then sort the
Before Bookkeeping Made Painless can make good use of the data,
you must first sort the expenses file. This will place them in
cronologicial order ( starting with 01/01/YY and ending with
12/31/YY ).
Enter your check number
Enter the number of the check that you had written for the
expense purchase and press <enter>.
As you enter the check number, each previously entered digit
will be scrolled to the left.
If the expense was a cash purchase, enter a 0 ( zero ) or
leave check number entry blank.
Enter amount of purchase
Enter the cost of the purchase just as you would if you were
using a calculator. Each digit will be scrolled to the left as
another digit is entered. You do not have to enter the decimal
If you need to enter an amount larger than 999,999.99 then
you will have to enter it in two or more entries ( with the
largest entry being 999,999.99 ) and use the same check
and/or invoice number.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 16
Enter description of expense
Enter here a short notation of the expense.
After entering the description of expense press <F10> to save
the expense information to your disk file. You do not have to
press <enter> before pressing <F10>.
You will be given the option to save the entry to the disk
file or discard it.
Saving your expense record
You may edit any part of your entry prior to pressing <F10>
by using the cursor keys to move to the desired location on
the screen.
If you have not previously enter the creditor's name in the
list of regular creditors, you will be asked if you wish to
add the name to the list.
If this is a creditor with whom you do business in-frequently,
then you will probably not want to add the name to the list.
If this creditor is one from whom you make a regular purchase,
then you will probably want to add the name to the list. If you
wish to add the name to the list press <Y> and Bookkeeping
Made Painless will automatically add the name for you.
Once you save your expense entry to your disk file, you will
be asked if you wish to enter another expense record. If you
have more entries to make, then press <Y>, if not press <N>
and you will be returned to the main menu.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 17
Enter a Receipts transaction
While in the Main Menu, highlight the "Enter a receipts
transaction" selection by using the arrow keys and press
<enter>. You will then be presented with a screen upon which
you will enter all of your receipts from your business or
Follow the on screen instructions and you will discover more
about the power of Bookkeeping Made Painless and how user
friendly it is.
Receipt entries do not have to be entered in chronological
order. They may be entered in any order and then sorted to
chronological order.
In other words, you may make an entry for February then May
then January then December then January, etc. and then sort
the file.
Before Bookkeeping Made Painless can make good use of the data,
you must first sort the receipts file. This will place them in
chronological order ( starting with 01/01/YY and ending with
12/31/YY ).
Enter customer's name
The first item asked for is the name of your customer from
whom you have received payment. You must now type in the
customer's name.
If you entered the name in your "Add frequent customer" list
previously you may press <F1> and use the arrow keys to
highlight the name, then press <enter> and the name will be
"typed" for you in the correct location and your cursor will
be placed at the beginning of the "Date received".
Enter date payment received
Type the date of the receipt using the format of: MM/DD/YY.
Where MM indicates the 2 digit month, DD indicates the 2 digit
day of the month and YY indicates the year of the receipt.
The default date is today's date. You may edit the default.
Example : 01/01/91 or 10/12/92
meaning : January 1, 1991 or October 12, 1992
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 18
Enter invoice number
Enter the invoice number for which payment was received and
press <enter>.
Enter check number
Enter your customer's check number for which payment was
received and press <enter>. If the payment was received
in cash, enter a zero and press <enter> or leave the entry
Enter State sales tax collected
Enter here the portion of the payment received that must
be paid to the State for sales tax. As you enter the
figures, each digit will scroll to the left, in calculator
If no portion of the payment received is to be paid to the
State for sales tax, you may leave it blank and press <enter>.
Enter City sales tax collected
Enter here the portion of the payment received that must
be paid to the City for sales tax. As you enter the figures,
each digit will scroll to the left, in calculator style.
If no portion of the payment received is to be paid to the
City for sales tax, you may leave it blank and press <enter>.
Other tax collected
Follow the same procedure as with State and City Taxes above.
Enter amount received
Enter here the TOTAL amount of the payment received including
any taxes. As you enter the figures, each digit will scroll
to the left, in calculator style. You do not have to enter
the decimal point.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 19
Payment received for
Enter a short description for which the payment was received.
If you have entered an invoice number, you may wish to leave
this blank.
You may edit any part of your entry prior to pressing <F10>
by using the cursor keys to move to the desired location on
the screen.
Saving your receipt record
When you have completed your receipt entry screen press <F10>
to save your entry to disk.
If you have entered a name which is not in your "list of
frequent customers" you will be asked if you wish to add
the name to the list.
Maintenance Menu Edit/Delete/Find Menu
================ =====================
It is from this menu that you will be able to do your editing
of previous entries and sorting of your accounts list, creditor
list, customer list, expense and receipt records.
The sorting of each of these lists will be in alphabetical
The "ACCOUNTS.DAT" file which contains your account numbers
and names will be sorted in ALPHABETICAL order, not in
numerical order.
This is done so that you may use the first letter of the
account name to quickly locate correct number corresponding
account number.
Edit an expense entry
If you discover that you have made a mistake, or just wish
to look at a particular entry, then highlight this selection
by using the cursor keys and press <enter>.
A box will be displayed informing you of how many entries
are in the expense file and ask which record number you wish
to edit. Enter the desired record number and press <enter>.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 20
Edit an expense entry (cont.)
You will be taken to the Edit Expense Entry screen and the
complete record entry selected will be displayed in the
exact format as it was entered.
You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to edit the
entry. If you have changed your mind after looking at the
record, you may answer N and you will returned to the menu
and no changes will be made to the entry.
If you answer Y the cursor will be placed at the end of
the creditor's name. You may use the arrow, insert and delete
keys to make your correction.
Once your corrections have been made, press <F10> and the
original entry will be removed from the disk file and the
corrected entry will be saved in it's place.
Edit a receipt entry
If you discover that you have made a mistake, or just wish
to look at a particular entry, then highlight this selection
by using the cursor keys and press <enter>.
A box will be displayed informing you of how many entries
are in the expense file and ask which record number you wish
to edit. Enter the desired record number and press <enter>.
You will be taken to the Edit Receipt Entry screen and the
complete record entry selected will be displayed in the
exact format as it was entered.
You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to edit the
entry. If you have changed your mind after looking at the
record, you may answer N and you will returned to the menu
and no changes will be made to the entry.
If you answer Y the cursor will be placed at the end of
the creditor's name. You may use the arrow, insert and delete
keys to make your correction.
Once your corrections have been made, press <F10> and the
original entry will be removed from the disk file and the
corrected entry will be saved in it's place.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 21
Sort Expense File
You must sort the expense file after you have made entries
that are not in chronological order before you can get a true
indication of expenses or list expense details to screen in
correct order.
Sort Receipts File
You must sort the receipt file after you have made entries
that are not in chronological order before you can get a true
indication of receipts or list receipt details to screen in
correct order.
Sort accounts list
You should sort your list of accounts so that each account
number may be quickly located while entering your expense
When the accounts list is called up from inside the Expense
Entry Screen with the <F2> key, you may quickly locate the
desired account number to match your account name by using
the arrow, page up, page down, home and end keys, or by
pressing the key which corresponds to the first letter of
the account name.
Sort customer list
You should sort your list of customers so that each customer
name may be quickly located while entering your receipt
Use the same procedure as used for the accounts list except
you will use the <F1> key to call them up.
Sort creditor (payee) list
You should sort your list of creditors so that each creditor
name may be quickly located while entering your expense
Use the same procedure as used for the accounts list except
you will use the <F1> key to call them up.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 22
Screen Reports Menu
Expense summary - year to date ( quick look )
I call this a quick look because all information is on the
screen and when you return to the menu, it will be disappear
from view. ( no, it will not be deleted or gone forever ).
Highlight this selection by using the arrow keys and press
<enter>. The screen will clear and you will be shown twenty
rows of expense account numbers and names in two columns.
You may look at these expense entries for a quick check of
totals for the year to date of expenses for each account
When you have reviewed the displayed expenses, you may move
to the next screen of expenses and account numbers by pressing
the <enter> key.
When the last screen has been displayed ( a maximum of five )
you may press <enter> to return to the Menu.
Expense summary - single month ( quick look )
This summary is similar to the "year to date" summary except
this is for one selected month at the time fo all accounts.
Expense Details - all accounts ( quick look )
Make this selection and press <enter>. You will be shown a
window in which you are asked to enter the starting date and
ending dates for a quick look at each expense entry that has
been entered.
Each entry that has an expense date from (and including) the
starting date thru the ending date will be displayed on the
screen for your review.
These will be shown on a single line for each record.
You will be shown twenty lines of entries for your review.
You must press <enter> when you are ready for the next screen.
Bookkeeping Made Painlesss Page 23
Expense Details - single account ( quick look )
Make this selection and press <enter>. You will be shown a
window in which you are asked to enter the account number
that you wish to check or review. Enter your 2 digit account
number and press <enter>.
You will then be shown a window in which you are asked to enter
the starting date and ending dates for a look at each expense
entry that has been entered with the desired account number.
Each entry that has an expense date from (and including) the
starting date thru the ending date that corresponds with the
desired account number will be displayed on the screen for
your review.
These will be shown on a single line for each record.
You will be shown twenty lines of entries for your review.
You must press <enter> when you are ready for the next screen.
Receipt summary to screen ( quick look )
Highlight this selection and press <enter>. The screen will
clear and you will instantly be shown a year to date summary
of all receipts for each month and a grand total for the year
to date. (Note: If you are using sample files and it has
entries beyond today's date - all totals will be shown. In
real life, you do not make entries ahead of today's date ).(Ed)
Receipt details to screen ( quick look )
Highlight this selection and press <enter>. the screen will
clear and you will be in a window in which you will be asked
to enter the starting date and the ending date ( inclusive )
for which you wish details of receipts.
Enter the respective dates and press <F10>. You will be shown
all entries of receipts from ( and including ) the beginning
date thru the ending date.
At the end of the listing, you will be shown Gross Receipts,
State sales tax collected, City tax collected, Other tax
collected, Net Receipts and an "Exempt Receipts" entry.
The dollar amounts under the taxes are INCLUDED in the dollar
amount under "Gross Receipts" and they represent that portion
of total receipts which was collected for taxes.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 24
Receipt details to screen (cont.)
The dollar amount under "Net Receipts" is INCLUDED in the
dollar amount under "Gross receipts" and represents total
receipts LESS the amounts under all "taxes".
( In other words - add the "Net Receipts" and all "taxes"
and you will have the same total as indicated under
"Gross Receipts" ).
The dollar amount under "Exempt Receipts" is INCLUDED in the
dollar amount under "Gross Receipts" and represents that
portion of total receipts for which no taxes ( of any kind )
were collected.
Print Reports Menu
NOTE: Set your printer to 12 characters per inch for all printing
Expense summary - year to date ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Expense summary - year to
date" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except that all information
will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Expense summary - select month ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Expense summary -
single month" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except that
all information will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Expense details - all accounts ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Expense details -
all accounts" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except that
all information will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 25
Expense details - select account ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Expense details -
single accounts" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except
that all information will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Receipt summary to printer ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Receipt summary to
screen" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except that all
information will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Receipt details to printer ( hard copy )
This function is the same as the "Receipt details to
screen" in the "Screen Reports Menu" except that all
information will be sent to the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
Profit/Loss Menu
Profit/Loss report to screen ( quick look )
Highlight this selection and press <enter>. The screen will
clear and you will be in a window where you are asked to
enter a starting date and an ending date.
Enter the respective dates and press <F10>. You will be
shown a screen that lists the dollar amounts for:
Total receipts from sales/service/profession,
Gross expense total, Non deductible expenses,
Net deductible expenses and Total Profit ( or Loss )
for the dates selected.
Bookkeeping Made Painless Page 26
Profit/Loss report to printer ( hard copy )
This function is the same as "Profit/Loss report to screen"
except that all information is printed on the printer.
You must have your printer turned on and have paper in it!
/ * * * * * * * * \
/ \
/ Thank you for using Bookkeeping Made Painless. My sincere hope \
/ is that you find that the drudgery of the day to day bookkeeping \
/ chore has become much less painful or maybe even "Painless". \
/ Ed Nolin \
/ \
/ * * * * * * * * \
Registration Information
If you are not a registered user of Bookkeeping Made Painless,
please use the "Order Commercial Version" in the Main Menu.
If you are a registered user of a previous version of Bookkeeping
Made Painless, please use the "Order Latest Upgrade" in Main Menu.